
Friday, November 28, 2008

Dear Mr. Terrorist,

My name is not Hades. Some of the more intelligent readers of The Times of Bullshit, no doubt, suspect that.

My name is Shoaib Daniyal. No, that won’t do. My name is Shoaib Mohammed Daniyal.

You say that you killed 195 people in Mumbai to avenge the maltreatment that people like me with names like Mohammed have faced in India.

Let me tell you something about my self. I did my schooling in Calcutta in one of the city’s finest schools—La Martiniere for Boys. I completed my graduation in Electrical Engineering from the Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra and am now employed with a premier business research firm in Gurgaon.
Maltreated? How?

If there was wide spread discrimination against Muslims, as you claim, how did these institutions take me in? A cursory look at my name is all it takes, if you want to discriminate.

That’s not to say that India is perfect. To get a house in Gurgaon I had to lie about my religion. I claimed I was Christian, playing up the similarity between ‘Daniel’ and ‘Daniyal’. People would not let out their house to a person named Shoaib Mohammed Daniyal.

But for that will you kill 195 people? For that will you hold hundreds more hostage? For that will you destroy a city?

And even if you do, how will that help the India Muslim? Will people now let out their flats to me? Will future landlords now say, “Bravo! Terroristsdestroyed Mumbai for you. Here are the keys to my flat. If you need anything, I’m at your beck and call.”

I don’t need retarded scum like you to make my life better. If anything, your barbaric actions will make my life worse. Much worse.

The Indian Muslim doesn’t need people killing in his name. He needs reform. The community is one of the most backward communities in India, a large part of the blame for which it will have to shoulder itself. Partition had already crippled the community, giving the Indian Muslim the easy tag of a ‘foreigner’ in his very land of birth. Do you think the he now needs Pakistani terrorists to come in and create mayhem and anarchy in India?

People across India are angry, and justifiably so. And people who are angry often act irrationally. There are calls for tougher anti-terror laws—a demand that the Congress could stave off. Till now. Our PM has already announced that his government will tighten existing laws. By carrying out this attack you have provided just the opening fundamentalists in our country needed. Who will stop the Right Wing now? The BJP has already taken out ads in Delhi which read “Fight Terror. Vote BJP” written on a background of blood. Rediff boards ring with calls for Modi as PM. And in a perverse sort of way, I agree. This government has totally failed to protect us from you.

So thanks for your concern, but no, thanks. If you want to blow yourself up and ascend to heaven, please go and do it while destroying your own country.



Shoaib Mohammed Daniyal


Anonymous said...

Well said. Societal problems can be solved rationally and sensibly.

Rambler said...

Nicely put.. The brainwashing that these guys go through, is no doubt, filled with all these kinds of nonsense, about avenging Muslims and gateway to heaven. I am with you, when I say, I don't need some foreign terrorist with a gun to kill anyone in my country! A country that may not be perfect, but that is my home!

Anonymous said...

Nice post ..
And to protest against conditions of muslims in India .. they took hostage of a hotel named after a monument created by a muslim king .. irony to say least

shakester said...

we're all hurting. I feel for th elikes of you who have to deal with these acts being carried out in the name of a god you have grown up praying to.
politicians hijack events, terrorists hijack religions....its all mind numbing

Sudha said...

what a great post. I've shared it with others on facebook. This seige helps nobody and no cause.

silverine said...

Great post!

Random rantings said...

Truly said...Our country may not be perfect..but it is still ours and no scumbag can come in and hold it to ransom..
Great Post

aShyCarnalKid said...

Well said . I respect your sentiments . But I think you are a part of a minority , partly due to the fact that you had a good education . Unless people place country before their religion , shit like this will happen , again and again , in the name of Islam .

Cynic in Wonderland said...

Very well said. And the problem is the misguided angst of these will knee jerk on the Muslim in India - which is so very unfortunate.

What's In A Name ? said...

very articulate post at this juncture.

Satyendra said...

We need more like you Daniyal, we need lot of modern education and lot of tolerance. We need to do away with Madarasa education. But above all we need to do away with the convoluted politicians who have an inherent interest in keeping the community tied down to 18th century mentality in order to protect their vote bank.

HellBound but Still Divine said...

Nice post...

Violence leads to more violence and nothing else... i hope someday people will understand that..

Saurabh Kumar said...

You hit quite a few nails on the head.

I think that if anything, the govt needs to improve the lot of muslims - muslims who live in the heart of this country and are losing out as their traditional sources of employment die out.

The govt also needs to ensure that perpetrators of every communal riot see the prison or a noose - no matter if the guy is a hindu or muslim

Saurabh Kumar said...

Also, when will we all start voting instead of cribbing about corrupt politicians.

Sudha said...

Saurabh, I agree. i am so frustrated by people going 'the system sucks.' It's such a pointless attitude; it gets us nowhere. We are the system.

We still have a very high voter turnout in comparison with European countries, and the US this time was an exception (usually it is dismally low there). But it seems the younger and the more prosperous they are, the more disengaged Indians get.

Please let's vote for a better polity - one in which people (whether minorities or the majoritarian population) who have not benefitted from the 'growth story' or anything else, feel they have a stake.

Anonymous said...

Agreed with every word you said. Felt your indignation on sharing your name/a part of your identity with these attackers.

Your last line sums my feelings up perfectly. Brilliant.

broca's area said...

bravo....admire ur courage here.....:)....

Anonymous said...

Hats off to takes a lot of courage to write such a post...we need many more like you...

I'd like to repeat your last line:


unpretentious said...

Put this in some newspaper, atleast then people will think twice before branding communities or countries.

Anonymous said...

I hear you brother.

well said.!

This is a planned, definite attempt and strategy to divide our coutnry, and it seems that the terrorists, politicians and external powers are working hand in hand to do that.

Hornswoggler said...

Great post. And much required.

Anonymous said...

Violence, any kind of violence, should be condemned in strongest possible terms. There can be no reason good enough. Your points are very well taken.

Pratz said...

well said

Anonymous said...

Suprb post!!!...and even though its not the right time to say this yr previous posts are really hilarious!!! :P...This is one blog ive bookmarked!!!

Siddharth said...

you got famous!!!

Anonymous said...

Very nicely written. May I suggest you send to CNN. They seem to have monochromatic opinions about Muslim and Hindus in India. Despite all their technological and societal advancements in the US, the opinion-makers there seem to be slightly dense.

Mudra said...

Brilliant. Really.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Shoaib for your honest opinion. India has accepted all faiths to live in peace and harmony. I dont understand which maltreatment by Indians is being avenged by the terrorists? That way Mughals also invaded our country to rule us. We have beared a history of such invasions on all fronts, but have we not forgotten the past and formed a democracy? How can someone kill in the name of Allah? We can only kill in the name of a demon, not a God. Why are you letting down so many countless muslims across the world? This message to all terrorists, Muslims in this country are Indians first. We are not Hindu Indians, Muslim Indians, but only Indians. Every true citizen must keep the motherland high above religion, because it is this motherland that has given us shelter, identity, honour. Religion is a way of life, it just helps us become good citizens, good human beings. Is the condition of Muslims really so vulnerable in this country? If that was the case, why didnt the muslims ever think of leaving this country and goin to Pakistan? Are they not living here in peace? A communal flare up has happened only when triggered, but still we stood united. Muslims are responsible for their backwardness first. Please reform yourself, be little liberal. Empower women, educate your masses, prosper. Only when there is a revolution within your community to reform and uplift those who have lost the path, can the fate of Muslims change. India has done no harm to you. You are this country's citizens, please rise above your pettiness and join hands in making this nation strong. And appreciate those Muslims who are already doing this. Dont issue Fatwas against them, call them greedy for money. Let Islam spread love around, not hatred.

A concerned citizen of India

Anonymous said...

Shoaib...wonderful blog. Cannot agree more.

Love this sentence of yours - "So thanks for your concern, but no, thanks. If you want to blow yourself up and ascend to heaven, please go and do it while destroying your own country.

- A proud Indian

Anonymous said...

Bravo! I think just about put all our sentiments in a pithy line

Anonymous said...

unfortunate but true. will harden existing stereotypes+give rise to hindoo fundamentalism. even though i was a hindoo liberal but slowly find myself turning into a reluctant fundamentalist. i'm sorry but its difficult being a liberal when you have lost loved ones in terrorist strikes by moslems...+now they have ravaged my beloved, raped my beloved beyond disbelief...this anger will not cool down with wearin a white shirt to show respect for the ones killed by them...sorry.

Anonymous said...

Very well said.

Quirky Indian

dharmabum said...

my salutations to you.

imho - and i don't mean any disrespect - the reason is not just their perception of the muslim community being maltreated. i think it goes beyond - for a religion whose people somewhere begin to believe in conversion - by whatever means, inevitably leads to such issues. it is also time intelligent and learned men of different religions come together and discuss and debate objectively on what their scriptures truly say.

that apart, i have added my two cents, if you'd care to take a look -

Unknown said...

yeh boy u quite right!
"an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind!"

Satyajit said...

remember its always a political war in the guise of a religious war. its easy to pass it off under a religious war cause no one questions it.

I just have 1 thought ringing in my head...
Do we realize that politicians have no performance appraisals and KRAs? Sivraj Patil resigned? wtf. How does it help? Should not he be on trail for genocide? More than a 1000 people have died under his watch and all he does is resign?

Am waiting for the mud-slinging to start. the pakis must be having a good laugh....

My 2 cents:

Anonymous said...

Very well said.
We really need to take some hard steps against this...

Anonymous said...

its time to see how shit happens...

its another political drama...

Shweta Luthra said...

I am so with you Daniyal.

I really think our country needs a strong leader who feels for India, not our religion-creed-sect-caste-region-gender biased politicians. Someone who wants to make us a nation to reckon with.

Indians have no one to look up to. To motivate us, to lead us, to isnpire us. In a situation like Mumbai terror attacks, thats the fisrt thing you miss. A person, a force you can rally with. All of us, as citizens, are expressing our concerns and fears but who will listen to them and take action? Its so sad that when such human tragedies happen in our country, our politicians are talking of party and individual issues. Why cand our nation produce a leader who will have tears in his/her eyes when its people suffer, who will look at us as citizens and not vote banks, who will treat us with respect and who will help us put our energies behind our country? I mourne the absence of such a leader in India.

I would also like to responde to you reference to your chaning the name for taking a house in Gurgaon. Let me tell you that in India the discrimitaion, stereotypes, biases etc donot en with religion. In Mumbai where I stayed for couple of years I faced the 'stigma' of being a 'north indian'.

Where does it all end? Why do we wear glsses of region, relgion and caste to look at other people? Why cant we live and let others live in PEACE?

Yogee said...

Actually none of Indian Muslims can be blamed for the terrorist attack on Mumbai. It's all outside work and they did not have any intension to help Indian Muslim, on contrary they were 'acting' Indian Muslim by saying they are from Hyderabad. People will not have hard feeling on Indian Muslims. It's always inside work which spoils the spirit.

I am.... said...

I smile and hope springs afresh in my heart for my country at these words of yours, Daniyal. Inshallah.

"If you want to blow yourself up and ascend to heaven, please go and do it while destroying your own country.


Kavitha (Machiah) Cariappa said...

It's unfortunate that there will be racial profiling owing to the recent terror attacks in Mumbai. The innocent masses will suffer.

Unknown said...

From the heart and very well written.

Unknown said...

Dude u got it all right.... if u ever come to bangalore n people disagree to rent their house, coz of ur name, contact me, i will try n help... god bless.....

AnoNick said...

There is real emotion in your post and everything you say is very true, all of it. I will store this link, if I listen to anyone stereotyping Muslims in India. :)

BTW, I filled in your absence for satire, hope it's up to the mark:

Anonymous said...

Hope other Muslims in India will have the courage to come out of their shells and give a piece of their mind to the so called 'Saviours of Islam'.

Anonymous said... times such as these while dealing with all that's coming from outside of india,we also have to do an internal churning;a processing, a sagar-manthan if you like.As a civil society we can't be kept hostage by people/voices who terrorise our streets&homes&all our private&public spaces.all of them behind such acts need to be brought to justice&fast, before they spread their venomous intent further&deeper.why is narendra modi still walking freely?!....the india you speak of is the india we as a country have to defend&help it to be heard &grow in a time where failing in not doing so will just let the space be usurped by all those people who have vested interests in defeating that very is this our soul of india....this gift of the "idea of india" also to the greater humanity. i like you, went to a chrisitian school, imbibed subconsciously some great"christian values",grew up in a soft pahari milieu in the himalayas,"hindu-buddhist"-indigenous values around,imbibed teachings of sufism & some great ideas of islam as one grew up& also moved to other parts of india.ideas of a whole land run within me....have learnt&grown&found expression through each of them& more.someone asks me what religion are you?....hard for me to answer, for like the land itself, i am the whole concotion, the whole sea, the whole maddness.....& also the whole glimmer.i know what you's the india i feel is increasingly under attack by many...& it's not my own cocoon i have built,as many attacking that very india would say. am good 33+.....ghat,ghat ka pani piya hai...& a sea of people of this land have passed me.let's stop calling them "muslim terrorist" or "hindu terrorist"....they are only but terrorists.they use their skewed interpretations of religions to justify their selfish calling them those terms we allow them to speak for Islam or Hinduism or any other religion; which they don't in reality. a lot of work to do but hey it's well worth it.sending you Shoaib& all others a lot of pyar,mohabbbaat,peace&strength.

Anonymous said...

A voice like yours is rare on forums in Al-Jazeera.....although i wonder why bother with others.It's we who have to work this out for ourselves....but then sometimes people who let out their vitriol in such forums get suddenly more room.....& those ideas,with this present reach of information get phenomenally magnified....&then having made the rounds, suddenly find presence in india!! a fuel to the fire.i am currently based outside of india but often notice how these ideas are then imported to india!!

AnoNick said...

Oh, and dunno if you've already read this... do you agree? :,0,4043886.story .

Jack said...

Extremely well said; reminds me of Lennon...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

Anonymous said...

exactly my point...if Muslims were ill treated in India the most loved president wouldnt have been APJ Kalam, most loved musician A R Rehman, Police commissioner Mr. Gafoor, celebrated crickters Zaheer and Azhar, most loved movie stars the shahrukh, salman, saif, aamir, most loved lyricsit JAved Akhtar...Gulzar..and the list goes on..Madhubala, Meena Kumari, Dilip Kumar...Mohammed Kaif..

Anonymous said...

Shoaib... Thanks... This is such a beautiful post.

In recent times, I have sometimes have felt so discouraged about the state of things in India.

But, your recent post has reminded me of the good that comes along with the bad... And the good is worth fighting for because this is my country.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Shoaib!

I thought I'd post a link to those injured or killed in the mindless attack. Just take a look.

If those little scumbags thought they were doing this for the betterment of the Indian Muslims, why the fuck did they kill so many of my muslim brothers and sisters?

It's dipshits want to break us apart. Shoaib, like you, I too am from Calcutta. I am from St. Lawrence and St. Xavier's.

Warm regards,


Shoaib Daniyal said...

Appreciate the sentiments, guys.

I just hope my landlord’s not reading this!


The LA Times article is a white man’s view of the world. We are all Dr. Azizs to them

Unknown said...

Well, the people above have said everything there was to say...

Just wanted you to know, am proud to have know someone like you..

editor said...

Great post. You poured your heart out.

Nimisha said...

Excellent and very honest...I am glad to see peaceloving and rational fellow citizen expressing his views like this... hope it reaches the people it is addressed to and to the Indian politicians as well...

BaKfIrE said...

Great Post! and yes our home may have problem and may not be perfect , but then no nation is perfect and its our duty make it a utopia. And we ll make it.

so repeating your lines


Anonymous said...

Very well expressed and genuine blog... terrorism have no religion. Its all politically motivated. I am shocked at how brain washed these young people are... who take up guns in the name of religion. Is terrorism helping them or common people... Its just destroying lives and faith in humanity. Please stop for a moment before shooting the next bullet. What if you were shooting your own kin.... and if you can still shoot, then you are not a human. You are worse than anything I can think of.

Adusumilli Narayana Rao said...

Every one Should remember that "EESWAR, ALLAH TERE NAM, SUB KO SANMATI DE BHAGWAN". No God will say to kill people. If the GOD says that he is not GOD at all.
May GOD give good sensible mind to every being on the universe. Live and let other live peacefully.
Narayana RAO

Anonymous said...

I couldnt agree with u any more Shoaib..My name is Ali and I ve spent my life in south Bombay...I am a Xavierite... these guys just brainwash people..convincing them that they r doinn it for the community but wat they dont realize is that killing innocent people can do no community good...we need to take serious actions against these A**holes....enuf is enuf.. i cannot see my city suffer like this...

AnoNick said...

Maybe the LA Times article is flawed, yep. That's why I asked you if you agree with it. :) But to say it's a white man's view is not a correct criticism, it's an American Muslim woman's view of India.

Unknown said...

Well said Pal, All I want to add is that there are two kinds of people the rational and the irrational and they are accross all casts, religion and social standards. I just hope that in this world we have more of the latter who can actually make the former become better people with less hatred in their heart. Lets' learn to love and let's fight terror together.

Nimisha said...

This random act of violence does not scare us. What does, is the brain working behind it. The deep rooted misinformations. The ingrained hatred.

This act of theirs, I feel, is not their fault. Their ignorance that led to such brutality is.

Nimisha said...

P.S. I have linked this post in my blog. Without your permission, yes. But only because I thought the word needs to spread. If any objections, please tell me.

Vicky & Niru said...

well said. we need more indians like you to come out and speak. and not let some self styled, selfish leaders speak for muslims or islam.

hats off. keep up the good work.
keep writing

Anonymous said...

Exactly my thoughts dude,

The only thing that these bunch(s)-of-nutcases have done is given a “golden” opportunity to the right wingers to do things that they always wanted to do but were unable to do because of fear public backlash.

Perception of Muslims all over the world has changed because of these morons. The only thing that they have managed to achieve is universal alienation of Muslim, thereby making reforms, which indeed are the need of the hour, even more difficult.

Don’t know when they will understand that the Muslim community does not need their rabid-trigger-happy sprit, what it needs is modern education, food, jobs and proper health care.

Anonymous said...

Shoaib, I dont know you but I wish I did! Thank you for a great post, its bang on!

I myself am Christian, married to a Hindu and I have Muslim friends that I adore. This in itself has nothing to do with anything except to show that there are many, many people in this country who coexist and happily so. And we'll be damned if we let fundamentalists of any persuasion rob us of that, whether its a 'Muslim' terrorist or a Modi with his unholy gang of Hindutva thugs.

I'm sorry you had a hard time finding accomodation. Its like you said, terrorists acting in the name of any religion dont do 'their' own community any favours. People are scared and angry. No one wants to take any chances, no one wants to give an inch. Hatred begets hatred and so the 'Islamic' terrorists and 'Hindutva' terrorists find their raison d'etre (spelling?) and regular folks like us get screwed in the middle. (For what its worth, everyone I know would lease to you :)

I have one question though, that noone seems to have an answer for. I wonder if you might have any thoughts on this. Please dont take offence because truly, none is meant. My question is this: The Pope apologised (belatedly, but he did) for the Crusades; when the Iraq war happened, thousands of Americans and Europeans took a strong and vocal stand against it, there was a huge public outcry and the victims had at least that cold comfort. WHY is it that we dont hear any voice of authority from the Muslim community condemning 'Islamic' terrorism loudly enough, people who are using the religion to murder innocents, why is there not one public prayer meeting or vigil where they show their antagonism against the terrorists and sympathy for the victims? It's scary, dont you think? Are they scared to speak up (for fear of being killed or losing their political clout...) or do they secretly or otherwise support this stuff? Why dont the educated Muslims at least, people who know better and dont support this, take out a rally and publically denounce these people, show the rest of the world that the terrorists are not acting on their behalf, that they are in fact acting contrary to the tenets of Islam, which they claim to be martyring themselves for? Its just a gesture, I know, but we're living in times where gestures can make a big difference. You did it and see what relief and appreciation there is on this one teeny blog!

If there were more voices, especially of authority, it would do two things, I think: a) help the larger public understand that terrorists are terrorists, period and people like you and my buddies Aamir and Rehman have/ want nothing to do with them and b) maybe, just maybe, eventually rob the terrorists of their pretence of acting in the name of God.

As I said, no offence, just a genuine concern/ suggestion.
Peace, stay safe.

Unchristian said...

to cut a long story short that was some really nice shit...keep up the good work bull..!!

Bullshee said...

Well done! Written as a Muslim, but more so as an Indian!

That's the kind of patriotism we need. Those bastards will burn in hell, as we all know.

For the mean time, we pray for the innocent fallen.

Anonymous said...

Good Post. Yes, we do have our own problems, let face them unitedly.

fatoori said...

:) very articulate, i must say..d beginning reminded me of Arvind Adiga's "White Tiger"..but, d similarity ends dere..Adiga is sarcastic and 'dark'..u, my friend, have hit d nail on d head.

yamini said...

u really drive home the point with your passionate write-up. Wish more and more people come forward with these sentiments so that the terrorism and terrorists are defeated and sent to their rightful place, which is, hell.

Anonymous said...

You make a brilliant point. As I am not much of a writer, I have been surfing the net looking for the perfect blog that I can read and find solace in. But thats when i realised this. What are we writing (or reading) for? Is it only to express our feelings, thereby venting out our fruustration in order to get back to our routines? Or is it in the hope that "mr. terrorist" just happens to read one of these blogs? I think we have enough of the former and almost nil of the latter. What I am trying to say is that nobody is born a terrorist. Terrorists are trained and brainwashed to an extent that they cannot differentiate the life of a human from that of an insect. How do we reach these target audiences? where are they? are they all in pakistan? I really doubt it. What is next? What do we do after we vent out our frustrations?

Anonymous said...

Dude, well said.

Don't take the finding-a-house thing to heart. As a single meat-eating blue-blooded Hindu, I had a hard time finding a flat in Chennai.

Repeal of rent control laws and more private sector investment in apartments for rent (as we see in the US) is probably the answer for your problem, mine, and that of quite a few people.

Anonymous said...

Well said..

Anonymous said...

Dear Daniyal,

Thank God! we have sensibile people like you. The fundamentalism being practised in the name of religion,either muslim or hindu should have no plce in our country. Besides the government needs to wake up & get its act togather.

Anonymous said...

hey ...i completely agree with what u said ..its good that our country has ppl like u who represent ur religion in such a way so as to tell those mother fucking cowards who come to blow up our country saying absolute bullshit like theyre doing a comraderie thing by killing ppl in the name of ur religionto just FUCK THEMSELVES ..i think its disgusting and repulsive ..n i completely disagree with those who r against the death sentence because it is such COWARDS who deserve not only to be killed but to be tortured in a way that they regret every second of their cowardly act ..if they can torture n kill ppl 4 no apparent reason why on earth should they escape the very thing they did to other innocent ppl ??

Anonymous said...

Exactly my thoughts dude,

The only thing that these bunch(s)-of-nutcases have done is given a “golden” opportunity to the right wingers to do things that they always wanted to do but were unable to do because of fear public backlash.

Perception of Muslims all over the world has changed because of these morons. The only thing that they have managed to achieve is universal alienation of Muslim, thereby making reforms, which indeed are the need of the hour, even more difficult.

Don’t know when they will understand that the Muslim community does not need their rabid-trigger-happy sprit, what it needs is modern education, food, jobs and proper health care.

Anonymous said...

Superb post dude!

Anonymous said...

I am with you, Hades, in this moment of dispair. I know mindless acts like these strengthen fundamentalists of all religions. But we must not give up. We must, must, must keep fighting.

Anonymous said...

much power to you, sir.

Anonymous said...

Hats off to you yaar! Dil jit liya tune!

Khuda hafiz!

Anonymous said...

Very well said Daniyal!! Kewl!!!!

I love this blog!! India is desperately in need of a brave heart like you..

Just to add few words……..

Where the hell is discrimination in India between Muslim and other religion? If it is really so, our beloved ex president of India would not have been a muslim. Let all the people who feel they are embittered and discriminated, come on, come out... Speak out...Fight for the justice (If you are really discriminated)... You are in a democratic country and you have every right to fight against injustice... But why are you targeting & tolling innocent common men. It takes you no where except that hatred would get amplified.

Let us all stand united… we all are one!!! I LOVE INDIA.


Anonymous said...

You could not have said it better. What what now from here. Pause / Period. And then more bloodshed, more innocents, more bravehearts gone, and we are back to the same square. INDIA NEEDS MANY MANY MORE LIKE US TO JOIN HANDS AT A FORUM AND BRAINSTORM FOR OUR COUNTRY.

Jay said...

Brilliant. This is one of the best posts I've ever read. Too good. May people like you stand up and speak.

Anonymous said...

Good that you told these scums off. I am happy for you. I hope that the pakis will now identify these terrorists and take them home for a decent burial-if not, what should we do with these bodies?

The international media has not spared the hindus one bit. The other day, on french TV one wisecrack said that these blasts are because the economic development has benifited certain "castes"!

rupagulab said...

Thank you! Thank you VERY much for saying what all of us feel. I want a truly secular India and I want it now! Despite the fact that my faith in the UPA has hit rock bottom, I'll be damned if I let the BJP come to power.

Anonymous said...

nice post..

Abhinav Sahai said...

i just hope your landlord doesn't read or come to know about this post.

Anonymous said...


binu nair, mumbai...

Anonymous said...

Excellent write up sir... We must live as Indians or else die as Indians. Nothing more, Nothing less. We have to fight Communalism, terrorism and corruption.
I know of a Corrupt former Home Minister who would want to buy a bullet costing rs.30 at the price of rs. 400 from the agent and ask for his cut. He has built many colleges and now is the leader of a backward community and a minister in Maharashtra govt.
If the black money of politicians are unearthed, we can easily build a "large army" to fight terrorism with the latest gadgets.
Also, please be beware of Communal parties who are also Corrupt to the core. Many say TERROR rose in india after the Babri Masjid Razing. I agree to it . I dare say that Lal Krishna Advani must be put behind bars immediately and stopped from having any electoral rights. We must start a beginning somewhere to SAVE INDIA..


Mohd Rafi lover...

Pooja Nair said...

Well done Shoaib/Hades!!!

you represent that majority of muslims who share your sentiment but just don't have your skill...

to put it down in a straight-forward, simple manner and be funny at the same time! :D

I think this deserves to be published in like a "TIME" or "The Economist" or something.

This kind of post in today's times can create history! :)


kabirkumarmukerjeemustafi said...

I am fifty four. Born a Mukerjee Brahmin in Calcutta; named Kabir by late mother who was a Kabir Bhakt; wear a kada given spontaneously by school mate Vinod Punwani, while on our way to the annual La Marts post fete dance (oooohhhh) just after SC (Senior Cambridge)40 years ago, which has never left the wrist. Revere Guru Nanak. Also now it (the kada)can't. Too fat.

Grew up in St. Paul's Darjeeling; as a boy and then later as a teacher.

Late paternal grandparents (Brahmos) revered Christianity and were, (going back), happily related / connected by blood and marriage, repeatedly, to the champions of the quiet war against the fundamentalism of then - spearheaded at different times, by Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Keshab Chandra Sen, Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur and so so many others.

Unconnected but coincidentally, wife of 32 years also Christian. And (as an aside), big nuisance (snicker snicker).

And, for the last twenty years, so am I. Just love Chapel and Church and the words and the singing.

Grown up kids, baptised, but easily at home with God, in any name, in any home; by sewer, or plastic tent or Cathedral or Kali Bari or Gurdwara.

Only saying all this, because our orbit is peopled by people of similar "Bhakta". Now being brought out of coy little purdahs by Shoaib Daniyal and others of similar mein and courage, all duly fed up.

The catholicity of our up-bringing, irrespective of where you were, was the really comfortable thing we grew up with. It helped you to forget blinding poverty; it helped you to help and not be chary of taking help. Goala, (milkman), maethor (sweeperess) and Jagadamba, club footed cook of ferocious, legendry Uriya temper, were all equal grist for mother's mill. Work well. All is good. Screw up you are dead. And woe betide children getting heavy with these ratnas. No counselling in those days, so sad. Tongue lashing followed by a hammering. End of story. Result - millions of irreverent surd pals, whose wisest jokes were always after lights out; millions of Mossie pals, better left alone in the boxing ring, now pretending to be civilised in Berkley or wherever,and millions of kali bari pals and buddhist pals and what the hell difference did any of this make to anybody else but you to yourself?

December 1992 changed all that.

Thank you for the opportunity Shoaib. And for your courage to lean upon.

In optimism and hope,

Kabir Mustafi, school teacher. Delhi/ NCR

Harsha M V said...

Kill the terreists ruthlessly n post it on the net. Just bcos you bomb something you think we are weak and powerless. Those days are over mr terrorists. now we wil come and hunt ur sorry ass

Anonymous said...

very well said my friend.....So straight from the heart

Anonymous said...

Loved it. Get it in a newspaper. I'll try to get it published somewhere too.

Cheers brother!

Anonymous said...

A great person once said. "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims"
It’s great that you spoke your mind out quite openly. I hope that you truly meant everything you said. You don’t appear to be a person that has no spunk, so why don’t you create a group of likeminded Muslims and meet your cleric in the mosque and see how you as a community contribute in eradicating these terrorists that constantly keep attacking our country.
I have a good understanding of Islam, and certainly this sacred religion does not teach any to harm or kill under any circumstance. So you should be able to demand the support of your religious clerics in the mosques to support you in this movement as all you want is the support of a national Muslim community to tell the terrorists to stay the FUCK out of your business and life in your country. You can fight your own battles if you have any. Can’t you?
I am really curious to see if you are just one Muslim in our country that feels this way, or do you have others to join you in truly destroying these cowards who in the name of helping Muslims in India ,have fought a battle with a personal and devious agenda. Dont you think it’s high time someone from your religious community came forward and spoke about the injustice that was done to our country. Why has there been no representation from your religious community yet??? Why has no Muslim religious leader or Muslim community come forward and said anything about the attack on innocents in our country?
You have spoken your mind out but do you have it in you to make a difference to start an action to put a stop to it.

Pooja Nair said...

This is for Mr. Anonymous,

And one small correction:

Its a misnomer that all terrorists are Muslims. Surely you have heard about ULFA and the LTTE.

The above links helps us see that the number of good-hearted Muslims outdo terrorist-muslims in huge amounts...

These are very difficult times for them...


I have to say it again,

"kya post likha hai boss!" :)

Anonymous said...

I have noticed many people have commented that the muslim leadership doesn't come foreward to condemn terrorism. I just want to say this is not true and the muslim leadership has time and again condemned terrorism.

For example, clerics from the Deoband school of Islam in India recently resolved to fight terrorism and distanced themselves from all kinds of terror activities.

The resolution adopted at the Jamiat Ulema I Hind session said it was against any kind of terrorist activity and is ready to fight the menace with the help of others.

It made it clear that Islam does not allow killing of innocent people and is against disturbing peace in anyway.

The 6000 Muslim clerics at the session also approved a fatwa against terrorism.

Source:The Hindu -

Anonymous said...

Jeez Dude that was explosive and emotional...but it was funny and kickarse.
That was funny ever what is sad is every time some Terrorist attack happens the Indian Muslim is expected to come out and poclaim his love for India...his country of birth and his country for which a few very fine Indian Muslims are also fighting shoulder to shoulder with their other brothers in the Armed Forces.
Education is the only way to eradicate the Ghetto mentality of many Indians, Muslims, Hindus or others.

Unknown said...

Great views!

Recently, I heard Dr. Deepak Chopra on CNN's Larry King Live say that, "It is time for the moderate muslims to come forward and condemn this henious terrorist attack on Mumbai."

This is the time you should give your views more visiblity, so you stand apart.

- Mahesh Kumar

Ten Homes said...

Now lets see. We have two bad guys groups in Pakistan. The anti- American/NATO group fighting for Afghanistan and the anti- Indian group propped up for Kashmir. The Anti- American guys are fighting a less than enthu Pakistani Army. Now they all want to get togther to fight the supposedly “Indian shock & awe” attack (BJP inspired election prop). In the way they can get rid of the 10% Government and replace it with the 100% Pakistani Army Govt. The Anti American, Anti Indian forces, Pakistani Army are waiting with glee, they have noting to loose but their caves. But the Indian do not seem to be making any moves in the border, maybe that lady has seen through this all. what party poppers. In one move she has negated all the harmful fallout of the terrible Mumbai mess. You know what is coming next more attacks on you and us. It is a power game. In the meanwhile the media has started its own war, each following its master voice, and we though media is free of bias. That feared trap. This not about India it is more about Pakistan than about Muslims. India will heal but will Pakistan. I pray it will for we need a strong democratic Pakistan. In the same vien I hope we can keep our eyes on the ball our enemies enemy is still our enemy.

Anonymous said...

I applaud you - this post is wonderful

Anonymous said...

well said...

Anonymous said...

A very well written meaningful blog. Really appreciate your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

you are awesome..i loved this post. Such terror attacks make people think that all muslims are blood-thirsty. This is just an illusion they want to create so that they can make hindus and muslims enemies forever. On my trip to UAE, I travelled everywhere in cabs driven by Muslim driver who are so polite. The enemity was never there. It was created and still being created. Even among the victims, there were many muslims in CST station.

terrorists are actually victims, they are being influenced at a young age and so they grow bitter.

Ramesh Srivats said...

That was the truth. That was powerful. And that was moving.

J P Joshi said...

Dear Shoaib Mohammed Daniyal: You are truly an Indian, a rationalist, and some one who makes India proud. India would be a much lesser country without Indians like you. Religion to me is my personal equation with my Creator and should not be of any consequence in my dealings with fellow human beings, irrespective of religion. Loved your passion, and your post.

Renjith Nair said...

Well said man.

What is the purpose of killing innocents in the name of religion? Considering the names of those Brave Officers who are not with us now... I guess some of the Indian politicians are the true benefeciaries of this act, not any muslims.

Anonymous said...

Shoib, Thank you for the wonderful article! articles such as these makes one realize how worthwhile the struggle for a better India is.

By the way, to all those who wonder why muslims don't speak up against terror, here is a link you should check out:

This article proves why India, despite its imperfections, is the best place to be...... Let's stay united and stay strong!

Anil Sawan said...

man, thats the best post ive read in my life. just wish the "terrorists" really read this.. sorry for the discrimination you faced while looking for a flat, but i am sure things would be different in future cos we have people like you with us who could play role models to the world. Know that I am with you and m sure everyone around you are. Be safe..


Shoaib Daniyal said...


sorry for the discrimination you faced while looking for a flat

There's no need for you to be sorry at all. And I'm not jut saying this as a matter of courtesy.

Let's not club the actions of people who share something with us-say, religion-as our own actions.

If a left handed thief robs my house, I don't blame Saurav Ganguly.

I know that's an exaggeration when compared to a thing like religion but I still feels it holds true.

sai said...

Dont be fooled by all these congratulatory posts. Its a normal, angry post from a fellow country man who justs loves his country as much as I do. And that is what we should be expecting of each other, whatever our religion or region or caste.. nothing more, nothing less.

But I should say I loved the following paragraph:

"So thanks for your concern, but no, thanks. If you want to blow yourself up and ascend to heaven, please go and do it while destroying your own country.

Anonymous said...

Very well said! I don't know you but I'm tagging this blog post on my FB so I can share it with my friends, I hope you don't mind.

Shoaib Daniyal said...

No problems , Akhila.

യാരിദ്‌|~|Yarid said...

You said it buddy..:)

Kiranz..!! said...

Shoaib,really feel great to read this.Am sure the young blood's who share the similar fashion of mind can protect our country in future..!

ചേതന്‍ said...

great buddy.hope this will be an eye opener for the bloody jehadis...

Punit said...

"If a left handed thief robs my house, I don't blame Saurav Ganguly."

well said dude..

india is proud of citizens like you.
Hats off, sir...:)

Anonymous said...

A very very powerful post mate.
I truly appreciate it.

My views on the subject:

Anonymous said...

Hades, I took the liberty of posting a link to this post on my blog. I think it needs to be read by more people.

Anil Sawan said...

:) i am happy i visited you!

Additiyom said...

Dude, just trying to post a comment showed me the impact you've gonna share this on other sites...may educated, intelligent people from the community shape it up and give all those fundamentalists a nice shave!

Anonymous said...

Not that I usually comment on a post with 123 comments there already. But I just wanted to tell you one thing.


We need more voices like yours. And I am happy to see there are many coming up.

Anonymous said...

I hope the murderers read this.

Daniyal, I'm so grateful to you for having come out to say this in public.

From what the murderers are trying to speculate, I read that they often "attribute" the attacks to "downtrodden" Muslims in India. However, I have no clue what that is.

In India, the downtrodden (if at all) are from every sect we have co-existing here. It's a blame "they" are trying to paste on our forehead.

Let me shout this out to them.


Unknown said...

Extremely potent. As only the truth can be.

Anonymous said...

Well Said.
"Get the Fuck our of my Country"

Just one note to all of us including me. When will there be time when we refer ourselves as Indians and not a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh , Christian or from any other religion.

Anonymous said...

Well Said.
"Get the Fuck out of my Country"

Just one note to all of us including me. When will there be time when we refer ourselves as Indians and not a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh , Christian or from any other religion.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shoaib, got to know of your blog thru a friend.must congratulate u on a nice blog title!!!! :) and you've got urself a happy basket of comments, so let me add my two cents:

while what you wrote is strong, insightful and articulate, the whole point is THIS: TERRORISTS NEVER CLAIM that they are doing these heinous acts for the benefit of Muslims. They truly don't have a religion. They just have an agenda: which is not anyone's benefit but their own...their 'jihad': a gateway to heaven. yeah, we all wanna piss on that thought.

Nischal Shetty said...

Thats an amazing and touchy post you've written. Great work!

Kiran said...

Hi Daniyal,

I loved this post and have been recommending it to just about everyone ever since I read it. I have now also linked to this post in my post Knee-Jerk Blasphemy.

Anonymous said...

Ok what these Muslim scum terrorists did was evil. But Hindus need to wake up as well and stop persecuting the Christians in India and making up lame excuses for their evil behavior. How come the Hindus in India are not speaking out against the brutal murders and rapes of innocent Catholic nuns and priests who for years in the spirit of Mother Teresa cared for you Hindus through and thin? How can you Hindus go around hiding for your sick behavior?


Anonymous said...

@Anonymous... I think it's time we stopped associating all these different heinous acts done in the name of religion with any religion.

Also... an important part of Hades' post... There is good and bad in this country... But, the good is still beautiful and powerful and worth fighting for.

This is an hour when we need to put an sense of being wronged...whether justified or unjustified behind us... And stand only behind India... Because this is our motherland... And the only one that we have.

Anonymous said...

...for everyone's perusal since there are many flocking to this post :) returning to check how the talk is furthering.
"India's Dangerous Divide " an article by Ramchandra Guha in The Wall Street Journal.He as a historian picks the various threads well.A good article to help discuss & take it all further.

Love, peace & strength to you Shoaib & all.

Anonymous said...

Superb post!!!
But to a large extenet we have ourselves to blame!!
We never demanded for security, most of us mocked it or just dint like it!!
Some great person oce said "If we all demanded Peace instead of two television set. We'd probably have peace"

And this is the first time we Indians have stepped up and demanded for peace!!

Lets hope that it happens!!

B said...

yes. nicely put. a lot of pain in it.

Anonymous said...

Well said shoaib!! but before we point fingers at not just our policians, institutions and for that matter the terrorists themselves, i think we are to blame. we have fostered the chalta hai attitude, we have actively encouraged the law enforcers to look the other way when it has suited us. as a result, they have truly learnt not to question anything out of the ordinary. the smaller cogs do not want to step on some big wheel's dealings and so keep their mouth shut most of the times.

Are we on any moral high ground when all our lives we have lived off the maxim that the law works according to the jingle in your purse? So long as we Indians are scared of hard work, and going by the rules, (and in our case most rules are fair and politically correct)we will keep the door open to terrorists as our institutions will not be built to protect us, but actually keep themselves blind.

The Nebulous One said...

Hey Hades/Shoaib,

As a fellow Muslim, i second every word of your post. I am perhaps part of the 'privileged' lot of Muslims who did not suffer discrimination, but i do know that time and again, i have to some extent, made modifications to my lifestyle to ensure i never experience it. But yeah, the last thing i need is some fuckers coming in from somewhere else and killing other people in the name of protecting their own.

Munna on the run said...

Wonderful words.

mightyseven said...

well said. I do share your angst as well as your gut feelings. India has its blemishes- natural when it is the embodiment of 1100 million souls.But , this is our country. WE have to change it for the better and NOT expect some Pak Terrorist to do it for us,
Colonel Bala

Fictitioustruth said...

fabulous post. There is lots that needs to improve but nothing that an "socially conscious" Indian cannot take on his own.

Discrimination basis religion/region/language is definitely one area which we need to address. I remember I was looking for a place to stay in Pune during my college days and was refused a number of places because I was from North/Punjab.

But great post, the big brother syndrome and your sense of paranoia is so high these days that despite my need to write about it I could not gather the courage to do so.

But now I would.

Sayali Rajadhyaksha said...

Well said . I respect your religion, myseld im hindu bt im keeping roja, this wt i y this all happend i mean as u said u changed ur name n all bez of past history speaks all bomblast or terrorism done by muslim peoples..behind each every bomblst done by pakistan and from Arab..we're all hurting.n nw i think if indaian muslims real think thy r indians then has to stop ths terrorism bec its very cleard they r targeting all the time hindus..what they wnt to prove? we need peace we r very much happy with all religion people (in any caste), we are here happily working with each n every region..and this Hindustan.we need peace.people are dying with no reason..atleast nw its our turn to cm together n stop all this..

Anonymous said...

You just made my day! Great Post!!!

Anonymous said...

mazaa aa gaya boss!!

Rightly pointed out... wateva the current situation of the Indian Muslims in the country is, it is all because of what these fucking terrorists have been doing all these years...

Great post man!! keep it up...

Shoaib Daniyal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I love this post, and I love how you ended it. And I am sorry you had to lie about your religion to get a home.

Sachin said...

Very Nice article

Sachin Johri

Main Street Communications said...

The issue is not religious; it is of the class of society you belong to. Your case as a Muslim's success story is a bad example. The downtrodden of India -- be they Hindus, Muslims or Christens -- are equally victimised. So we better stop identifying people with their credo.

Brand builder & Story teller said...

Perhaps it's too late, or too lazy, to add the 149th comment on your much-admired post. But before we expect other communities to step forward and take blame for whatever happened, I wish India's Hindus stepped up and took blame for allowing December 6 to happen and for silently watching Modi rape my country's soul. Until that 'sorry' rings out loud, clear and sincere, there will always be a debt begrudged. Sadly, it's the older generation, the uncles and aunties I see stepping out of Honda Cities or gossiping in parties, who have let us down. Their hatred and mistrust is what angers me. First you old fucktards poison your own hearts, and then you pass it down to your sons and daughters.

Anonymous said...

It's true that terrorist acts only make lives for Muslims more difficult. Acts of hate do not, cannot, and will not help to further the cause of minorities. Perfection may not be a reality but it's upto everyone to make their country perfect, and that includes the Hindus, Muslims, Christians and every other religon and sect. And the answer to that is not through war. Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

Sriram said...

I loved this article. Thank you.

♥anindita♥ said...

i have been waiting for a muslim person to stand up and say this for ever so long.
then again, if a terrorist could make something out of this clear statement, he would not have done these heinous deeds in the first place.

DEVESH said...

There is more to islamic terrorism than anger and frustration.. Nice post totally agrees with you..

Anonymous said...

I guess there is no space for a comment here. Your post is just COMPLETE. Bravo.

Anonymous said... is d most simple,straightforward and powerful post dat i've evr read...

Anonymous said...

"If you want to blow yourself up and ascend to heaven, please go and do it while destroying your own country."

I can understand your anguish......
I know in what context the post was written....and I am sure you do not give consent to the their country's destruction for the terrorist's flawed religious ideology and the acts done in its name....

Not surprisingly this post of yours attracted high attention (155 comments)...while every bit of terrorist acts have to be condemned, I am afraid, most of the readers did not take notice of your mention of your own struggle to get a house in Gurgaon. Doesn't it deserve the same attention?

This is perhaps the reflection of India's reaction to the attacks...condemn Pakistan, build international pressure on Pakistan and try the perpetrators.......however there is no talk of the inequalities that exist in the country and we continue to live indifferent to them.


Raaj said...

well written, but the idea of the terrorists is not to make the life of Indian Muslims any better but make a polarized society and use political mileage out of it. I remember couple of years back one pak dude asked me if Muslims in India are allowed to go to schools! Ignorance and misguided brainwashing does the most damage.
What the Indian Muslim needs is access to education and better opportunities.
As for some non Muslim Indians who don't get it right, they also need to realize that just because few dumb no good terrorists turned out to be Muslims,not all Muslims are terrorist. An Indian Muslim is as Indian as any Indian. Good thing is the number of people who don't realize that has now become a minority and that being the reason why we did't have any communal tension after the attacks.